Saturday, April 30, 2011


Aren't spring snow storms fun? This pickup was parked down on the street in front of my house It's a dark grey truck. Looks like a ghost truck

I had hoped to finish the colored pencil portrait of Daisy, but it is going so slow, and has hours and hours of work left on it.


This is the cover I designed for the novel I wrote for the NaNoWriMo. To get the free proof copy, I have to have it all ready and formatted next month.

I've got my hero in prison right now, and am having problems with that part of the book. I know nothing about prison life. Someone suggested I have his girl friend break him out of prison. That would probably make a better story than I have, but I already have the rest of the book written, including the ending. And a prison breakout won't fit.

When it comes to Art, I'm patiently waiting for my ability to catch up with my ambition

1 comment:

  1. I like the book already & want to read it.
    Lynn used to say that if you don't like one of your pieces of art, just set it aside & wait for your skills to catch up. I like the way you said it.
