Friday, May 13, 2011

Barrie greeted me this morning with the news that we have no hot water. I'm not surprised. When I had my house remodeled the last time, in 2006, Joe told me that old water heater was on its last legs. I have no idea how old it is. It was here when I moved in this house, more than 35 years ago.

So Barrie called Drace, who is in Big Piney all day. He told her to push the reset switch. our old water heater doesn't have a reset switch. I doubt if we can get a new one installed before Monday.

I was looking at photos of the remodeling to see if I could find the date it was done. The picture above shows what my roof (lack of) looked like 5 or 6 years ago. It was taken from where I am sitting right now.

Kasey took one bite of oatmeal this morning and left a puke trail from the dining room to the bathroom. She seems to feel fine now. Barrie is trying to get her work truck ready to go and gas cans filled. She also needs to clean out the room where the hot water heater is.

So Kasey is hanging out with me. Barrie left her on the couch watching a movie on the laptop with some crackers and a sippee cup with 7 Up. But we couldn't get sound on the computer, so Kasey is now upstairs with me, watching it on the TV.

It's a movie I refuse to watch - Incredible Journey. I don't do animal movies. I cry even ifthere's a happy ending. (Especially when there's a happy ending.)

So I am going to plug my iPod into my earphones and listen to music and read.


  1. Glad to see you are able to blog. Blogger was down last night & this morning, so I gave up & went for a nice hike.
    Good luck with the water heater. Have you ever in your life heard of something like that going out on a Monday? HA! Never.

  2. ok now the fridge quit...
