Tuesday, May 24, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KASEY! Four years old today. Chuck, Kathy, Sunny, Barrie, Kasey and I going out for pizza tonight.


No progress on the colored pencil cat drawing today. I'm considering a "do-over". I think the paper will be great for graphite drawing, but doesn't work for colored pencils. I had never used it before, so now I know. I'd rather quit and start over now, instead of wasting so much time on it.

I have two great-nephews graduating this year. Zack from Natrona County High School, and Ryan from University of Arkansas. Two very special and very talented young men.


  1. Kasey is sooooo cute. I love the little 'rabbit' face she is making.

  2. Hello and Happy Birthday to sweet Kasey♥
