Friday, June 10, 2011


Barrie found two baby gophers in her dog lot. No mother in sight. The mother was probably a snack for one of the dogs. They were laying out on the ground in a snowstorm.

Kasey loved them!

Kasey said, "Momma, can we keep them? Barrie said "We already did.

The littlest one died last night, and I think the other one is dead this morning. They got warmed up, and they were eating. But I think they were just out in the cold weather too long.


A couple of years ago, Barrie brought me the little scrawny orphan kitten (Kat, which I still have)

Last year, she brought home the mustang she recued from the wolves from up the Green. Then she brought home a Burnese Mountain Dog that needed a home. What's next?


Why is it so hard to put page numbers on a document in Word? It's easy to do, but not when you don't want the pages numbered from the beginning page. I want to start on the fifth page. I know it has something to do with sections. So if a new section starts on page 5, I should be able to start the numbering there. I found a detailed list of instructions last night and printed it out. Maybe my mind is fresher this morning.

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