Friday, June 3, 2011

I wonder if we will ever be able to plant outdoors. This is where the sprinkler ran on the lawn all night. It's just now melting, and it's noon.

I've been working on two watercolors this morning, and think I have probably ruined one of them, maybe both. Oh well. I have about four more watercolors started that I can ruin after I throw these out!

Plus three or four colored pencil drawings.


I need to stop reading for a while. I quit reading two books yesterday that I couldn't get into. Then I "checked out" a book from the Marmot Library Network. It's "Animal Dreams" by Barbara Kinsolver. I have two of her books that were wonderful. Can't get interested in this one.

Did you know Barbara Kingsolver and Stephen King played in a band together in their early days? Just a bit of trivia.

Show and Tell


  1. Dead bugs.....dried up's all good for Show & Tell. I wonder if Chase reads this....

  2. He he. But Chase never claimed his black bananas were his lunch!

  3. THE POISONWOOD BIBLE is a masterpiece!
