Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I've had a cold (or allergies) lately, and it sure saps my energy. Feel better today, so far. At least I don't feel like scratching my eyes out.

These two quakie tress are on the side of a hill at Meadow Lake. I've used them for a model for many of my drawings and paintings that include quakies. I took this with an old twin lens Rolleiflex camera, roll film, 2 inch negatives, and I had to carry a light meter and set everthing by hand. Nothing autotmatic about it, but it sure took good pictures.

Lat time I checked on EBay, these cameras were going for anywhere from $200 to $700. Mine has been delegated to a shelf in my studio for decoration.


I have a couple of old sketch books on the shelves, hard cover. For some reason, I've never used them very much. I think the fact they are hard cover indtimidates me.

Two old drawings

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love that old tree! What a dramatic, beautiful drawing!
