Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I was trying to fit some more books on the bookshelves and found a CD labeled "fonts". This photo was on the CD. I remember taking this in Colorado on my way to Tracy's a few years ago. It think it was somewhere in the vicinity of Kremmling.

And here are three of the fonts that were on the CD. The top one is called Minipics Red Rock. It's based on petroglypths.

The next one is called Minipics Little Critters.

And the bottom one is finger spelling.

I used these fonts back in the days I wrote school news letters and stuff like that. Don't know what I would use them for now, but I installed them anyway.


  1. Do you mean that with these fonts you could just type regular & it would come out in finger spelling? That is so totally cool. I could have had lots of fun with it when I was teaching. I could still have some fun with the grandkids. Any way for me to put it on my laptop?

    The clouds are awesome.

    I miss Roger's comments!!!

  2. That is one ominous looking cloud, Duene. Fun fonts!

    How is GWTW coming along? I enjoyed that book so much that I think I read it four times.
