Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I took this painting to art group today. I was going to just throw it away, but started trying different sized mats on it. I found a smaller mat that would cover up the bad part of the painting. So I cropped it, and saved the snowy tree.

This is for Judi. How many times have we heard "He started it." I'm sure parents hear it too. Gee, I should have taken my kindergartners to the principal to handle the situation.

I actually went to Ridley's after art group, and got some groceries.

I bought a cantelope. Have no idea if it will be good or not. I tried thumping it and pretended to smell it, just so I would give the impression I knew what I was doing, which I didn't.

Where do all these extra spaces come from in Blogger?


  1. I found one trick with all those spaces in blogger. Just before I log off I make sure there are no spaces at all between the top of each picture and the words below the picture above it. because... Everytime I 'View Post' & edit my mistakes more spaces are added.

  2. If you smell the stem and you can smell cantelope, then it is ripe. I've tried the thumping but found. the smell test the sure winner
