Sunday, July 3, 2011


I made taco salad yesterday and we took it up to the lake to eat with Paul and Tracy.

Barrie hammed it up for the camera.

Daisy got a workout. Barrie was at the downed tree in the background, and Paul by the firepit. Daisy must have run more than a dozen trips back and forth. Barrie gave her wood, and she would take it to Paul.

Here is Daisy's pile of wood fire starter. She worked so hard!


The campground looks good this year. The FS has been busy removing beetle killed trees. They've left enough on the ground to make plenty of wood available for campfires.

Barrie had technical difficulties yesterday. The wheel fell off her lawnmower, and she couldn't get to the dump before it closed.

She used my pickup to bring her trailer in to fill her water tank, and she couldn't get the trailer off. It involved some hammering and loud profanity to get it loose.


Anonymous said...

and yes i drank all those beers:)

Charmian said...

I was going to mention the beers. Then decided not to. What a great time....ha! Happy Fourth!