Sunday, July 10, 2011


Another Barrie drawing from an old sketch book. This shows the G&F planting fish. The truck is backed up to a lake (or creek) and the fish are coming out of the long tube. Don't know what that is at the top right.

Kris B. posted on Facebook that this plant was too large for their office, and it needed a good home. So guess who brought it home! Yea, Barrie. I don't know if it's supposed to look like that.

Last week when KC had a bad reaction to mosquito bites, Barrie gave her Benadryl and Ibprofen every hour fours. She was trying to keep her up until 9:00 so she could give her some just before bedtime. Notice Kasey has her horses and dogs all tied up.

1 comment:

  1. That is one tired kid. Those insect bite reactions can be scary. Nice plant!
