Friday, July 29, 2011

When Barrie got the big philodrendrem plant moved into the living room, she moved my memory box, which was just leaning up against the wall in the corner. She moved it to the top of the dresser in my downstairs bedroom. I really like the way it looks there. And I can see what's in it.

It's full of tiny treasures my mother saved through the years, her wedding ring, my baby shoes, my hospital bracelet, a lock of hair from my first haircut, et.
I took a couple things out today to photograph them.

My dad was in the South Pacific during WWII. A guy he served with made things out of pieces of Japanese planes that had been shot down.

A close-up shows my dad's name engraved on one piece, and places he was stationed on the others. New Britain, Guadalcanal, etc.

I have a bracelet with my name engraved on it, and a little ring made with a seashell setting.


Kasey and Barrie went to Big Piney before they came home from Jackson. KC had a new cowboy hat, and Barrie is teaching her "hat etiquette."(How to take it off without bending the brim, etc.) She won't be packing water in this one.

Did you know Purple Cowboy is the official wine of the PRCA?


  1. Neat info on the wine.
    The keepsakes your dad made are priceless.

  2. Love the one-of-a-kind bracelet. How on earth did your dad write so neatly while etching in the words. WOW. Looking forward to pics of other treasures.
