Wednesday, August 24, 2011

By bye trees

This is what my front yard looked like last week. There's house in there someplace behind those dead trees

This is what my yard looks like now. Barrie is putting the fence back up.

This is the big tree in the back yard. Going, going, gone!

The stump.


What a difference a few trees make! The front yard looks so strange, but I guess I'll get used to it. People should be able to find my house much easier than before. Maybe we can get the grass to grow there now.

Spent my morning in the art room at Rendezvous Point, and got the paperwork finished on the work I am putting in the silent auction. Then I drank coffee and ate cookies!


  1. I agree - big difference! I'm sure you are glad it is done before some big windstorm comes along.

  2. Oh Duene, I won't know where you live anymore!!!!
