Friday, August 26, 2011


The view out my upstairs window looking at the ditchbank. Top photo shows what I can see now, bottom photo was before. Most people wouldn't that that's such a great view, but this area of the ditchbank is a favorite spot for deer and moose when they are hanging out in the neighborhood.

Trimming branches from the big cottonwood tree.

Doug loading the branches with his Bobcat.

I need to start planning on what I will do on those nights when the power is off. Seems like it happens very often! I have three kerosene lanterns downstairs, and need to bring one up here. Hope we have kerosene, and I think I have some new wicks somewhere.


I am so disillusioned by Wranger Jeans! There was an article in a recent issue of a magazine called "Booty Up by Wrangler-wearing cowgirl! She was a lucky winner of our newest uplifting jean giveaway in COWGIRL Magazine. "

Oh Wrangler, please don't tell me you are manufacturing support jeans now. Get real, "Booty Up" jeans?


  1. We keep lots of battery flashlights around. My very favorite is my headlamp. I know Barrie has those. We switched from kerosene to propane lanterns - they are so much easier & cleaner. Oh, how I hated pumping up the kerosene lantern & stove.

  2. That's a Coleman lamp, isn't it that you had to pump up. I don't think it burned kerosene, but I don't know what it used. I liked it that you could turn it off and have time to get clear across the room before it got dark!
