Monday, August 8, 2011


Barrie had to work a little while yesterday afternoon. Kasey said she wasn't ready for a nap and told her mom "I'll go ask Grandma if she wants to paint."

The container of water is also Kat's drinking water. She was not happy with the color of her water!

After KC painted a while, she played on my bed for a time, then decided she was ready for a nap, went downstairs to her own room, and went to sleep.


Fnished a book called "The Art of Racing in the Rain." yesterday. It's more or less about a race car driver whose wife dies of brain cancer, and grandparents try to get custody of his small daughter. What makes it interesting is that his dog is telling the story. And there's a fun "twist" ending.

Time to sharpen my pencil and get back to the drawing.

1 comment:

  1. I liked that book. It was a different style of writing and the end rocked!! Made you go, "hmmmm" and wonder about it for a while after finishing.
