Friday, September 23, 2011


Just finished my first painting class from Kay Meeks. It was like real school!  I learned so much about color this morning.  I use color all the time, but don't think about it a lot.

This is the photo I plan to use for reference next week.  I'm going to try it in oils on a tiny 6" x 8" canvas.  I'm not sure how to work that small.  I have a nice wooden table easel, but it weighs a ton, and I would have to pack it up and down two flights of stairs.  So I think I'll start with the little guerrilla box.  

I took my sheets off the bed to wash yesterday.  But there were clothes in the washer when I went down, so I left them on the bathroom floor.  I just went down to put them in the washing machine, and found them in the dryer, all clean and ready to go.  My elf has been at it again! 


  1. I love that cabin. We used to go there to play. One time the boys got in Pole Creek and 'fished' out about a dozen partial metal wagon wheels. Do you know any history on it? So sorry when they tore it down.

  2. I see the name on your photo now. It's Eklund. No 'c'. In the book of Sublette County Homesteads (that Ellen Reed's brother compiled), it shows a homestead by Dorothea Ethel Eklund (widow of Lawrence H) in T33N-R108W which is where that cabin was. But....who were the Eklunds?

  3. Why did they tear it down? And who?
