Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This looks almost finished to me. I guess the guy needs some ground to stand on, and the spurs need work - but it's pretty much done. I have some ideas for more pencil drawings along this line- hats, spurs, etc.


The birds are really gathering today. The blackbirds are getting ready to go south, I think. It's obvious blackbirds migrate in a noisy flock. But I wonder about robins? How do they migrate. I've never seen them gather in a group. Do they just wander south on their own?

Karma has had a rough day - I think she's missed her nap. She is so fascinated by the birds. Every time I look outside, Karma is watching birds. And Kat has a fly in the window. Keeps her busy.


I went to Ridley's yesterday and actually enjoyed it! It was not crowded, because everyone was already where they were going for Labor Day. It was a great day for people watching. One guy was loudly visiting with an employee in the produce department about airline reservations and travel. He was checking prices on the Internet and told his friend all about how to pick up the tickets, what arrangements to make etc. What made it interesting is, the guy looked like he had just crawled out from under a boxcar on the railroad tracks. He didn't look like a world traveler. Maybe he was Howard Hughes?

At the checkout, there was a guy in front of me who could have been my twin, old, short, fat, white hair. He was wearing shorts and sandals, and black socks that came half way to his knees. But his tee shirt was what caught my eye - it said "Wild and Reckless Montana". It made me laugh.

The grungy world traveler and the wild and reckless little old man made my day. But to top it off, a guy got in line behind me and started talking to me. I'm sure I looked blank, and he said "You don't remember me, do you. I used to be your neighbor, Mike."

Me: "Oh sure, Mike. How have you been?" There have been numerous guys move in and out of that house through the years. I have no memory of ever seeing this one before.


  1. Almost like getting a wrong number phone call, and talk for an hour with someone you have no idea who they are.

  2. The boots have an optical illusion in them! When I look at the right boot, my eye sees the toe (which isn't really in the sketch). It's because it blends into the left boot design or spur. Beverly Doolittle, watch out!
    You're my inspiration, Duene - I washed MY windows yesterday.
    Roger is right. If my mother got a wrong number they never remained strangers.

  3. Duene,

    I'm gonna have to start going to the store with you. It sounds like you have a lot more fun than I do. rwm

  4. Duene...you ALWAYS make my day!! ☺

  5. awesome talent to inspire others is inpiration at the most high!
