Friday, October 7, 2011


I wasn't going to post any pictures today - I made fun of myself for always running out to take pictures of the first snowfall for about the last forty years. Then these guys wandered into my back yard, and I got the camera out.

This big buck was bored, maybe?  There were five deer, two bucks and three does.  They all look sleek and fat.

The buck is a five point.  Handsome guy, isn't he? 


I didn't expect to be able to upload this video today.  I tried all day yesterday.

Shorty was barking, and I yelled out the window for him to be quiet.  The pups had evidently not noticed upstairs windows before, and she was very excted to see me at the window.  Lunatic!


  1. So, some of the deer are outside your yard fence and some inside your yard????

  2. My property actually goes to the top of the hill, to Skyline Street. Only the bottom part is fenced,and one side of the fence has been down since Doug took out a tree.
