Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I've spent more than an hour uploading this video. I cancelled it once and started uploading again. Guess I need to be more patient - upload and then go do something else for about an hour.

Our iPad expert.  Think how good she'd be if she could see!  A rough day at preschool doesn't do much for a girl's hairdo.

Several years ago, I was involved as the kindergarten teacher in the custody case of one of my students.  I went to visit with her attorney, and was asked all kinds of questions.  One question I was asked if her hair was combed and did she look neat and well groomed when she got to school.  I had to laugh, and I told the attorney "No, she doesn't.  She's a little five year old girl, she rides a school bus to school every morning wearing a warm hat.  And her hair looks like  it."

The attorney laughed and decided a nice hairdo didn't have that much to do with a child being properly cared for.


Bebee F. posted this on Facebook, and it makes me laugh.

Another dead mouse on the floor this morning.  I didn't see this one right away, so Kat moved it to the middle of the bathroom floor.


  1. Yes, we appreciate your hour - or was it 2? - of uploading so we could enjoy that absolutely precious Kasey with the iPad!
