Sunday, October 23, 2011


Another beautiful day. Barrie and Doug are elk hunting, Kasey is with her Dad, and I am just hanging out and watching the QVC cooking show on TV.

 Here is the little post card sized painting of Pilot Butte.  Please don't make fun of my horses!  I know they're deformed, but I can't paint a horse, let alone one that's less than a half inch tall!

The last Watercolor Artist magazine had an article in it on using the iPad while plein aire painting.  This artist uses it to get a quick value study and composition for a painting.  The app costs $4.00.  I got it, but I certainly didn't get a result like this!  Maybe with more practice.
Is anyone organizing an "Occupy Pinedale" protest?  What would we protest?  Ridley's?  The three story motels?  

1 comment:

  1. Just home from hunting camp. Brought out the first wave of gear and need to go back for the tent. Hope it doesn't snow a foot before we can do that.

    Caught up on your blog. I saw a t-shirt that said "Take me drunk, I'm home."

    I like your bovine painting start. Don't get discouraged.
