Thursday, October 20, 2011


 Barrie got my mail for me today, and my iPad cover came.  Slick little gadget, but I thought I was never going to get it out the the heavy plastic packing!  Why do they package things like that?  You need a blowtorch and a hatchet just to get them unpacked.  And I absolutely hate things that are "sealed for your protection".

Also got another little Cotman watercolor travel set from EBay.  This one is called the "pocket plus".  The quarter beside it gives an idea of the size of it when it's open. These are the greatest little things to take with you at all times along with a small book or pad of paper.  Several of the artists who paint at Rendezvous Pointe have these now.  They sell for about $25 in art supply catalogs.  I got this one on EBay for $9.

I also got a bill for $485 from Petersen landscaping for 1500 sq feet of sod.  It's address to "Tim" at my box number. 

And fun stuff - the new Watercolor Artist magazine and new art supply catalogs!


  1. I've got one coming for Betty Kerback. Black of course...she loves black..anything. Love the water color set. May have to look into that. Not that I use what I have..

  2. There goes another idea for a Christmas present. TL
