Tuesday, October 4, 2011


A short video of Kasey.  They are learning about dinosaurs in her preschool, and she made a "Kaseysaurus".  She also sang me a song about T Rex.  She loves school - Barrie is picking out her kindergarten teacher already!

Lazy day today.  I did a load of laundry and worked on a drawing for a while.  Now I think I will read the rest of the day.  Life is so hard!

Looks like rain this afternoon.  That would be nice.


  1. Tell Kasey I have an 'Upside Down' Club for all first graders (& lately grandchildren) who can read upside down and I want her to be our youngest member. WOW!
    I remember watching Wheel of Fortune once & a contestant said the unique thing about herself was that she could read upside down. Good Grief - that's a first grade skill!

  2. Duene...I just love your Blog!!!

  3. Ok now I understand why she was telling me "u" when she was looking at an "n" today, tooo funny!
    I'm biased, but what doll!!!
    Kasey's mom:)
