Friday, November 11, 2011



I watched The Country Music Awards on TV the other night.  Interesting, and I couldn't help but compare the stars to singers of long ago.  Yeah, I know I'm old as dirt, but I remember seeing Webb Pierce and Marty Robbins (and others I don't remember).  Webb Pierce wore a bright red western cut jacket with a big sparkly spider web embroidered across the back.  Marty Robbins wore a suit and tie.
Couldn't help but compare them to the male singers today, who wear ratty old jeans, tee shirts (usually black) and a hat that looks like it was run over by cows in the corral.  Gotta love their music, though.

Miranda Lambert looked like she was worried about a costume malfunction.  She wore a strapless dress and kept tugging it up.


Just read a news item about a study that has been done in Sweden.  The study shows that men who donate to a sperm bank are well adjusted.  Whew!  I am so glad to hear it.  It's been worrying me.


• You've got to be careful if you don't know where you're going .... because you might not get there."

Yogi Berra


  1. So that's why I'm not well adjusted.rwm

  2. The best time came and went today.
    11 seconds after 11 minutes after 11 o'clock.
    In other words
    I guess it will happen again tonight.

  3. Hey Roger, it's 9:30 and I am still up. I might make anothr 11-11-11.

  4. I can't wait to read your blog each morning for my daily laugh/pick-me-up. It's better than coffee!
