Friday, November 18, 2011

Magazine cover

The Sublette County Magazine and Real Estate Guide has been printed, and one of my paintings is on the front cover.  Gives me a good feeling, and maybe a shot in the arm to get busy and keep my brushes wet!

 And Barrie has pictures and an article she wrote about dog sledding in the magazine.  We will probably have autograph seekers pounding at the front door!


Tried to do some Internet shopping today.  Grrrr!  Finally ordered one pair of flannel pajamas.  Then I tried to find a coat rack.  I looked at hundreds of them, and was getting really frustrated.  The only ones I even half-way liked were two or three hundred dollars.  (We have some big nails in the basement.)
And then I got a brain fart, and found these neat looking coat hooks.  The wall is knotty pine, so they won't be hard to put up.  Barrie can do it easily with her handy dandy cordless drill.  (Notice I always say "Barrie will do it.") They won't be out in the room like a coat rack would be, and we can put boots and shoes on the floor under the hooks.  Still thinking about a boot rack. 


  1. It is a lovely magazine cover. I clicked on Barrie's article but it wouldn't enlarge big enough to let me read it.
    Good idea on the coat rack!

  2. Gorgeous painting on that cover, Duene! It is just perfect for it. Must pick up a copy so I can read Barrie's article.
