Saturday, November 26, 2011


 This is a little (4" x 6") watercolor I did this morning.  This is the view from Paul and Tracy's deck in Silverthorne.
 Chloe's moto is, "if it's there, rub against it."

Barrie and Kasey got home last night.  They went to Encampment for Thanksgiving. 

Tracy called Friday.  She and Paul are at their condo in Florida.  They had dinner with Leslie (Snow) and Russell at his parents' house.  While she was talking to me, I could hear a noisy bird.  She said there is a big bird of some kind that hangs out on the pier in front of their place.  Tracy said she's very polite, just sits and watches people, waiting for bite of fish, maybe?  Sounded like a heron - Tracy said it's as tall as she is.


  1. So Chloe is sticking around a little this time. Making up for not coming around all Summer.
    It is good for Kasey to have something to love. Maybe she didn't come around because the puppies were there all this Summer

  2. Nice view that Tracy has!
    Well, you have left us dangling with the Encampment story. Didn't I read the words '.....rather be with my dogs' a week ago?? Send me an email....

  3. Nice watercolor!

    Hank R
