Sunday, November 13, 2011


Got the dining room uncluttered today. It seems so nice in there now.

If you looked at my blog yesterday, you saw a picture of my dining room table.  What a difference!  The extensions weren't pulled out right, so the table wasn't very steady.  I just pushed both entensions back in and it took care of that problem.  We don't need the extensions out anyway.  It's not like anyone ever eats at the table, although we might now.

The petunians we planted in the aero-garden are blooming on the shelf under the window behind the table.
The china closet is a little cluttered now.  I'll probably rearrange things some later.  Lots of good stuff on here, my grandmother's rolling pin and hand mixer (the kind you had to turn the handle). There's a flat iron, a churn, and my grandma's old biscuit cutter. 

My grandmother's old poetry books are on here too.  I'm not sure what to do with them, the bookshelves are overflowing.  But you can't throw away your grandmother's antique poetry books, can you?

And here is the bakers rack, all naked and ready to go to the Food Bank.  The things on the bottom shelf are going to the Food Basket too. All the recipe books actually fit on the shelves behind the table.  If they hadn't all fit, I was prepared to get rid of some.  I still might.  Too many books.

Got a nice snow last night.  Must not have been any wind, because all the branches of the trees had snow on them.  Snow is still sifting down. It's pretty out.


  1. Doesn't it feel good to simplify? I got rid of all our cookbooks and whenever I need a recipe I go online & have dozens of options.

  2. Hey...Judi has the right idea..
    Looks good Duene.
