Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Absolutely no reason for the two photos I uploaded today, it's just that I don't have any new pictures.

The NWS is predicting snow today, lots of it.  As they are never right, we'll see.  It does look like snow, though.

Have you all heard the song "One Step Forward and Two Steps Back"?  That's Barrie.

The charges her ex filed against her were dropped by the court, and he was required to submit a plan for paying off the back child support.  Current child support is to be withheld from his paycheck (if he holds onto this job).  He is to start paying $50 a month on the back support, which is the minimum amount allowed.  At that rate, it will take him almost four years to pay it off.  But it's a step forward.

But then, the judge changed the location of the meeting place for visitation pickup and drop off to Daniel.  That's only fair, I guess, BUT - it's eleven miles to Daniel, which means Barrie will be driving an extra 22 miles every day he has visitation.  With gas at $3.75 per gallon right now, it's going to cost her more than $50 a month just to pick Kasey up. 

But Barrie got some good news today.  He is required to pay her attorney fees.  I wonder if he regrets taking her to court over one missed visitation afternoon?

1 comment:

  1. Some not so good news, but a lot of real good news.
    Good for Barrie.
