Monday, December 12, 2011


Roger asked me to post this picture again of the pencil drawing I did of Kasey.  Wish I had the skills to do this in watercolor.

I haven't gotten a card from them either.

I went through a knitting phase for a while, and knit socks, a bunch of them.  The pair on the left was done with separate colors of yarn and an intricate pattern.  The other four pair were knit with a varigated yarn that  makes its own stripes and patterns as you knit.  Wonderful stuff!  A blend of wool and nylon.


The beans and cornbread I made last night were good.  At least I liked it.  I'm not sure if Barrie and Kasey ate it.  I think the beans will go in a pot of chile.


"Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid." ¯ John Wayne


  1. LOL. You do find the funniest cartoons.
    Those sox are so could string them together for decoration!

  2. What a true statement by the Duke.
    Thanks for re running the drawing again.
