Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Now playing on my iPod, Alaska's Hobo Jim, "Iditarod Trail".


 Kasey and I had a "picnic" yesterday.  When she got home from school, Barrie made Little Smokies wrapped in crescent rolls for a snack.  Yum!  Kasey brought them upstairs, and sat in my rocker to eat hers.  She said we were having a picnic.   I had four.  KC had two, ate them, and went downstairs for two more.  Then she had some Reese's Pieces, which she shared with me. 

She watched two TV shows with me, artists demonstrating painting techniques.  She enjoyed them, and of course she wanted to paint.


I started a  new watercolor of an antelope in art group today.  I have hopes for it.  Judith A, an artist friend from Colorado, emailed telling how she mixes colors for sagebrush.  Maybe I'll be able to put some sage in this picture. 


When I got home from art group, the resident elf had cleaned my upstairs room, including the cat's litter box!  I'm spoiled.  Don't elves have pointed ears?  I better check Barrie's ears.

Another pair of strange shoes.  Do you think people actually wear these?


  1. You do find the oddest shoes. The first picture wouldn't open...maybe because i'm riding down the highway things work slower. What fun - a picnic with a 4 yr old.

  2. So. Are you going to share the sagebrush color mixture?
