Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Kasey went to a pajama party yesterday afternoon. On their way home, Barrie picked up my mail, and I had three boxes. Kasey brought them upstairs, and they all were packed with packets of air.  Kasey calls them "poppers".

She started stomping on them to make them pop. 

When they were all flattened, she took them downstairs to the garbage and put the biggest box in the basement. 

 Barrie must have gone to the recycling center, as all the boxes from the basement and garage were gone.  Yay, Barrie!

Barrie had to work today, and Julie's Day Care is closed, so Kasey went to art group with me.  She painted and drew with markers, and practiced writing her name.  Beth gave her a little gift packet stocking stuffer with a pen and little book, some little balls, a piece of candy and some other things.

I stayed and had lunch with Vicky and Dorothy.  KC said she didn't want anything to eat, but she ate some of my sweet potato and the jello desert.  Then she had a cup of ice cream.  We had a fun day.

1 comment:

  1. Judi would have had fun with Kasey stomping on the "poppers". One of her pastimes, also.
