Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I had a real shock when I walked into the art room at Rendezvous Pointe this morning.  Kasey was sitting at a table, and Lenore was combing her hair.  Then I realized it was Tegan, Lenore's granddaughter.  They are both four years old and look so much alike it's scary.  Lenore was hoping I would have Kasey with me and they could play. 

Kasey was all gussied up last night with blue fingernails, her fancy shirt, and her jewelry and wrist watch.

My stove has quit, kaput, the pilot light is even off. I  left a message on Gene Paul's answering machine, but I think they may be out of town for Christmas.  I brought an electric heater up here, and it's not too bad.  The new slipper sox Paul and Tracy got me for Christmas have come in handy!  I dread seeing my electric bill next month.

Someone's fourth birthday?  Whose?

1 comment:

  1. It might just be a thermo coupler.
    They have a tendence to go bad if you shut your furnace and pilot light off over the summer. They are very easy to replace it that is the problem.
