Friday, January 13, 2012


This watercolor painting has been leaning against the wall for a long time.  Yesterday I added the tall trees on the right side.  I almost wish I hadn't, but maybe it looks a little better

My ink pen spent yesterday soaking in its cleaning solution.  I gave it a good rinse and filled it with ink, and am ready to go again.


I'm reading two books at one time, and shouldn't do that.  Not sure my mind can handle it.  I'm reading a book by Dean Koontz, "Whispers."  Been a long time since I've read Koontz.

The other book is "LOST" by Rob Guthrie. 

I think (hope) I have a commitment from Gene Paul to come work on heat on Monday.  


  1. The trees add interest. I like them.

  2. Very nice. I especially like the vague aspens - great color.
