Sunday, January 29, 2012


Tracy sent me this picture of Daisy tunnelling in the snow in their yard in Colorado.  That's one happy dog!

A little 4" x 6" painting I did yesterday.  This is the view out  my upstairs bathroom window.


I ordered a George Foreman Grill this morning.  I've looked at them for years, but never got one.  It has several interchangeable plates, and I'm getting rid of three small kitchen appliances, a waffle iron for one,

I've never liked the waffle iron and never used it much.  It might be because of the way I got it.  I found it in the Target Store in Silverthorne CO while visiting Paul and Tracy.  I tried to buy it, but the guy on the floor wouldn't sell it to me because it was the display model.  I was back a couple days later, and the guy wasn't around, so I put it in my cart and took the plastic tag from the edge of the shelf with the price on it.  I checked out and had my waffle iron!

When I got back to Tracy's house, I thought I should make sure it heated up before I left for home, so I brought it in.  I looked at my receipt from Target, and the thing wasn't even on there.  For some reason, it didn't ring up, and I got a $50 waffle iron for free!  I didn't go back to Target and tell them of their mistake.  Guity conscience?  Is that why I've never liked it?

On the same day, I found a ball point pen in the snow outside the Bed Bath and Beyond store.  I looked at it when I got home, and notice it was engraved with someone's initials.  It was a Cross pen.  I got on the Internet and discovered I had found a $50 pen. 

That was SOME shopping day!


  1. Those tiny George grills were one of the best stocked items at the Thrift Basket when I worked there. I hope you enjoy yours more than those people. LOL.
    Did you see Cadence put a comment on my blog? Made my day!

  2. Gotta love her comment!

    This is not the tiny grill. Had one of those years ago. I think this one will hold 6 hamburgers. And it has waffle plates, and a deep dish plate, plus the flat one and the one that leaves grill marks.
