Thursday, January 19, 2012


I wonder if the National Weather Service is doing a happy dance today?  I think this is the first time all winter that they have correctly predicted the weather.

More snow and wind is predicted for today.


I painted the sky in the Arizona church painting, and it is bad.  I'm going to start it all over again.  I think I will use miskit film to cover the church, and use the method Conley showed us for the sky, spraying the paint on (thinned down and in a little spray bottle).


This is one of the reasons I hate politics.  Anyone else think journalists (and TV) should just be put out on the ice?

"Newt Gingrich lacks the moral character to serve as President, his second ex-wife Marianne told ABC News, saying his campaign positions on the sanctity of marriage and the importance of family values do not square with what she saw during their 18 years of marriage." 

How ridiculous is that?  Putting a bitter old ex-wife on national TV to bash the guy?  I think no  matter what his positions, I would vote for him, just because of this.


I'll leave on a cheerier note.  Here is Pinedale's own John Perry, speaking at an anti SOPA rally, wearing his "Grateful Dead" scarf.

1 comment:

  1. Like they say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
    She sounds like a bitter old bitty to me.
