Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This is a small 6" x8" watercolor I thought I would whip out today.  But I am stuck. It wasn't supposed to be a winter scene, but at this point, to me, it looks like that should be snow on the ground .


I'm no doubt biting off more than I can chew, but I am starting this watercolor tomorrow.  Have the image transferred to the paper and some miskit applied. 

This is the church in Sil Nakya, Arizona, a little village on the Papago reservation.  I lived near there.  Some friends and I drove across the desert, sometimes through dry river beds, and found this place.  Looked like only three or four families lived there. 


I have heat!  Finally!  I've unplugged the electric heater and hope I can pay the power bill this month!

I believe Roger said last month it was probably the thermo coupler.  Give that man a cigar!  That's exactly what it was. 


  1. They are very easy to replace also.
    The big thing is DO NOT turn off your pilot light. You will save a little gas, b ut the chance of the tip cracking from the cool down is pretty great. And once it cracks it burns up real easy.
    When I sold mobile homes, when every we traded a home in we would replace the coupler because the odds were that it cracked when you turned off the gas to it. And then you would have to make a service call just as soon as it got cold and they lit up the furnace.
    Save your cigar a post a few more photos of Kasey and Chloe

  2. What a great 'snow' scene. How about putting a little kid sledding on that hill....or better yet, coming down with a dog team?
    Where do you find all these funny signs? LOL

  3. What a dear little chapel! Amazing to find it out in the middle of nowhere.

    Great sky in your painting.
