Monday, February 27, 2012

Battle of the Plows

Barrie says she is running out of places to put snow at the places she plows. And she says the places she plows out, the city comes along and plows their driveways back in. Someone plowed the neighboring house and left the snow pile where it blocks access to our propane tank, so Barrie plowed it back over on their place. But it didn't block their driveway. Doesn't matter anyway, because the guys who lived there have moved.
Another dead mouse on the floor this  morning.  No wonder Kat spends most of  her day sleeping.  She's  working the night shift.


Two more old photos I have scanned. This is the old remodeled barn we lived in when we lived on the ranch at Ragged Mountain, Colorado.  Tracy was a baby when we moved there.  This is probably the house I loved more than any other I've lived in.  No electricity, our water was from a spring above the house, a beaver pond in the front yard stocked with trout, and very isolated.  A colony of bats moved in the wall space upstairs behind the stone chimney.  On rainy nights, they flew around inside the house.

I didn't post anything in my blog yesterday because I spent the afternoon finishing the Larry McMurtry book "Texasville".  I almosst hated to finish it.  I have the next book in the series "Duane's  Depressed" to read next.


  1. Kat is on her way to being a triple ACE, good dog.

  2. Love your blog.

    Betty, Lynn Thomas' friend.
