Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm on another closet cleaning binge. I asked at Rendezvous Pointe this morning if anyone there would use crochet thread. And they said yes.

Years ago when my Mom had a pig valve put in her heart, I spent hours sitting at the hospital in Casper for about ten days.  I found a hobby store and bought some crochet thread and a little "How to Book" and taught myself how to crochet.

As happens with most things I do, I went overboard.  I crocheted curtains for my dining room windows, Christmas Tree ornaments, doilies, a tablecloth, and lace trim.  And every time I went to Riverton, I went to WalMart and bought more chrochet thread. 

I did the same thing with embroidery.  What made me think I would use a dozen sets of embroidered pillow cases?  Or that I would sew crocheted lace on the edges of all my towels?

Rendezvous Pointe and the Food Basket will either benefit or suffer from my closet cleaning, depending on their point of view. 

I'm trying to clean out space for Barrie and Kasey to put their things.


  1. Speaking of Kasey you have been pretty lax in posting some photos of her.

  2. The crocheted 'lace' is really lovely, but I agree: What do you do with all of it once the thrill of making it has ended?
    I have dwindled my crafts down to bare minimum....just enough to entertain a grandchild should they show interest.
    Nice of you to donate them.

  3. I love your lace...
    I swear you are using my bowl in the bottom picture. I have one just like that. Someone will really enjoy your work!!!

  4. Beautiful, Duene! My mother and grandmothers had so many crocheted doilies, etc. What does one DO with them! If I were ultra-creative, I could make collages or something.
