Monday, February 20, 2012


This is NOT my photo. Just something I found to go with my blog today.

Kasey was so excited when they came home Saturday.  I heard her tell her mom she had to go upstairs and tell Grandma about it.

I asked her what she had been doing all day, and she said "We went to Jackson.  That was the safe part."

Then she told me they had just been to Grandpa's house, and she got to get out to open the gate and a moose was in the yard chasing Sonny's dog. Barrie got out and grabbed KC and put her in the truck, then went to rescue the dog.  Kasey was crying when Barrie got back to the truck.  That was not the safe part!


  1. You could start a book called "Kasey says....".

  2. I gather she was not to trumatized by the moos, or was it Barrie grabbinr her that made her feel unsafe.

    We need more details!!
