Thursday, February 9, 2012


I'm going to grill steaks on the new George Foreman for supper tonight.  I was going to make French fries the other night, and couldn't get the fryer to heat up.  I tried it again today, and the light turns on, so guess it is working.  The cord is one of those quick release magnetic ones, and I guess I just didn't have it in quite right.  Very touchy.


I went to Ridley's today.  As usual, it was an ordeal.  I went to the hardware store first, and wrote my last check.  So I went home and got a refill for the checkbook, and went back to the grocery store.  I was determined!

As usual, I couldn't find everything.  And some of the prices almost made me faint!  I had to crawl over boxes and the little watering hose to get to the bell peppers. 

Maybe I won't go back there until spring, or at least until they get the ice out of the parking lot.  The carts need to be chained up, or maybe have 4 wheel drive.  I was wishing I had taken up the offer of the little guy at the checkout stand to help me out with my groceries.


  1. I thought that pretty red thing was a new robot until I read your post. It sure is flashy. Never heard of a magnetic plug. Good luck. Keep us posted.

  2. Same here, never heard of a magnetic plug, post photos, please.

    I too got some sticker shock on grocery price recently. Eggs use to be on sale not long ago for $1.00 to $1.29. Now they are on SALE at $2.49. Alice tells me that 80% hamberger is a great buy at $2.79, you use to get ground chuck for less than that.
    WHAT THE _ _ _ _?
