Saturday, February 11, 2012

This is what it looked like out my bedroom window when I got up this morning.   I can't even see the creek.  It's not that cold, about 25 degrees, I think, but no sign of the sun.


I tried out the waffle plates in the George Foreman grill this morning.  They worked great, didn't even  think about sticking.  Made sausage and eggs to go with the waffles, so I outdid myself today!

I guess I'll order a new deep fryer.  I know it's not healthy cooking, but we love our French fries.  There are so many fryers available, hard to choose.  But I know I want one with a removeable oil container, and a size that will fit in my cupboard.




  1. Your Foreman grill is sure versatile. You could give a class on 'Shopping from the Middle of Nowhere'! You have the knack.
