Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This is why I didn't post anything to my blog yesterday.  I spent all day working on this little Valentine greeting for all of you.

My horoscope says I should plan a dinner party for tonight.  So how many of you can come?  No one?  That's okay, you would have had to bring your own pizza.

Here are the three pieces I am taking to Rendezvous Pointe to display in the art room tomorrow.  They can join my watercolor buffalo there.

Kay Meeks is feeling well enough to continue the oil painting class, so we will start on Friday.  Poor lady has had a rought time - first had a pacemaker, then before she recovered from that, she had her gall bladder removed.

Lots of deer around my place both yesterday and today.  They look pretty good, the winter hasn't been too rough on them.


  1. Somehow I missed that dinner invitation...hee heee
    Maybe we'll get together sometime and eat out...

  2. You animals are fine works of art, Duene. Love that valentine.
