Monday, March 26, 2012


If a picture is worth a thousand words, this one pretty much sums up what is happening at my house today. 


I am working on a small oil painting using analogous colors.  It's only 6" x 8".  There is going to be snow on the mountains.  What's going to be in the foreground?  I don't have a clue.  That's what gets me in trouble in my oil painting class.  I'm supposed to know this type of thing before I start to paint.  I just can't plan ahead very well.




  1. I like 'Foggy Mtn Morning' just as it is!

  2. The atmospheric perspective in your painting is really nice!! And, the shapes are interesting and good. Watch that the saddles of the two mountains aren't parallel (i. e., one right above or below the other). That is sooo easy to do. The mind and hand just want to go there.
