Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Nothing new. Worked on painting of elk this morning at art group. Am mending my bamboo brush carrier. All the stitching is coming out at the bottom.

Got the iPad out today and tried to get Kat interested in the mouse game. She watched the mouse and tried to dig under the edge of the iPad.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Isn't that interesting. Some cats just want to play with what is in front of them and other cats look behind the box. My cat knows that if a bird flys by one window at the corner of the house he will run to the other side of the house to look out that window.

  2. So what is a bamboo brush carrier? We need a pic. Did Blogger switch you to the new format? My friend's blog goes crazy when she hits return. See my Plumnilly link.
