Friday, May 25, 2012


A dark, wet day today.  My house is totally silent (no music or TV).  I have a heater turned on, am reading a good  book, and listening to the sound of rain on the roof.  Life is good!

While visiting with Tracy not long ago, she talked about how much their cats enjoy their own planter  of grass in the house.  As Kat refuses to go outside, I wondered if she would like some grass, so I ordered a special planter preseeded with grass seed for  her.  She will probably ignore it.


  1. You are so nice to Kat. Yes, it sure has been a dark, dreary day.

  2. Well, my cat went nuts over the grass planter. But all it is, is a bunch of wheat in zonolite insulation.
    Took about a week before I could give it to him.

  3. Do you have to mow it? Hahaha! Tiny little mower......
