Sunday, May 27, 2012


 The sun comes and goes today, and there was little rain/hail/snow this morning, and it's not warm.  I saw a lady buying tomato plants at Ridley's about ten days ago.  Hope they're still in her house!


The new Alco Store south of town is open, and many people have commented about how great it is.  Someone commented they saved more than $50 on what the same items would have cost that at Ridley's. 


I finished this pencil drawing today.  It is from a photo Lana Faler posted from a camping trip.

I was looking through the types of paper I have, and found a pad of oil pastel paper.  This is the only painting I have done in oil pastels.  It's also the only painting I've done of the Tetons.  Now I've got the urge to get my oil pastels out again.


Sigh.  Another sign that my granddaughter is growing up.  She now says "caterpillar" instead of "calipitter".


  1. I like her calipitter better.

  2. Like your drawing, but the dog's nose looks a little off to me
