Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As of last night, I still can't print from my laptop upstairs to the printers downstairs.  I don't know if Barrie can or not.  Both printers show up on my laptop as ready, but nothing printed.  Don't you just love computers?

When I started Internet Explorer on the desktop, the home page was Dell, of course.  My list of favorites wasn't even there, and I couldn't figure out how to get them.  I went to Google (of cgourse) and found that I needed to click on "Tools" on the menu bar and then have it show the Favorites.  I didn't have the menu bar.  Finally found that you press the "ALT" key to show the menu bar.  Who would have thought?


This little watercolor sketch by Cezanne just sold for $19 million at an auction.  It's enough to make me throw away my paints.

I watched a short video of an art auction.  The auctioneer wore a tuxedo and didn't sound like a real auctioneer.  Somehow, I couldn't feature him at an auction barn, selling cattle.

And now we know what causes rain.


  1. A lot of truth to that cloud cartoon. How many time have you heard a loud clap of thunder and it is followed right away by heavy rain?

    Yes. I think some people have a lot more money than brain. I mean look what "The Scream" just sold for, and it looks like some first grader did it with bad crayons.
    I mean if you got that much money you can waste it on art, give some of it to the poor.
    Give a LOT of it to the poor, and give some to me..

    You should find out who these idiots are and sell your elk art work from yesterdqay, it should bring a couple of million

  2. The cartoon is too funny. Thanks for finding it. I can't understand such things as $19 mil for a tiny face - and the guy's nose is too red! It's all in the name.
