Wednesday, May 30, 2012


My horoscope today said it is a good day to tackle the small stuff.  So I finished a little 4" x 6" painting in my Moleskine book.  No, I don't really believe in horoscopes, but sometimes mine gives me a good idea.


 A teacher in Arizona gave end-of-year awards to her students.  She gave one little girl (8 yrs old) a "Catastrophe  Award" for having the most excuses for not having her homework done.  The little girl's mother took offense.  She said she was not aware her daughter was having trouble with homework, and that she was enrolled in an after-school homework assistance program.  I'd like to be able to think of an award for that mother.  Something to do with stupidity and irresponsibility maybe? 

Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor any more? A group of students in China posed for a graduation photo in front of their school, throwing their hats in the air.  But it seems an old factory behind the school was on fire, so the photo looked like the school was burning, and the students were celebrating.  Well, I think it's funny!

Barrie moved all my canning stuff and jars from a shelf in the basement into the garage, and they went to a new home today!  Lenore took it all.  Yeah!  I see a box of contractor bags in the carport, and I think it's time to start cleaning off more shelves in the basement.

1 comment:

  1. I heard that same report on TV this morn regarding the "most excuses" award. I mentioned it to Judi and I agree with your additional award for the mother 100%.
