Saturday, June 30, 2012


We have had a relatively smoke-free two days.  The fire is now burning only about 17 miles west of Big Piney, and has consumed 37,000 acres,  It is 5% contained.  So far, no structures have been lost, and no rigs damaged.

I did, however, read on Facebook this morning some posts from friends in that area about sheds burning, and some hay stacks.

Tracy called this morning from Colorado Springs.  She is the Public Information Office for the Summit County Seriff's office, and has been sent over there to help out for the weekend.  She basically is helping man the phones, giving our information.  She says a couple hundred National Guardsmen have been brought in, partly for traffic control and partly to guard against looting.  It makes me sick to think we have to guard the homes that have been evacuated to prevent looting. 

Barrie brought the three puppies to town today.  They are almost a year old, and wild and crazy.  They played and chased each other around the yard.  Barrie  brought her big water tank in to fill.


This is for my friend Rollie, who is a math teacher.


  1. What the heck. That is the right answer.

    Are they sled dogs. I hope they don't tear up your yard again. It is looking real good this year.

  2. Thanks, Duene. I will keep that in mind for the math students I tutor.

  3. leave the yard to the flowers bro Bill

  4. That is exactly the way I see word math problems. Love it!!

  5. oh thank you, i NEEDED that laugh, hi to tracy when are they coming here s
