Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I think I am getting e-mail now.   At least I had 31 new messages this morning, of which at least half of them wanted me to buy something to enlarge my penis.  Where does all this crap come from?

My old e-mail program wouldn't let me block those addresses any more.  Even when I went to the 'blocked messages" list and entered them by hand, they kept coming to my inbox. 

I'm using Century Tel's e-mail program now.  Seems to work just fine, and I am marking those types of messages as spam, so maybe they sill start slowing down.

I yelled downstairs to Barrie to send me a short e-mail to see if it was working.  She yelled back, "I sent you one word, and it is spelled wrong."    Here is the message:



Starting to get really warm in the afternoons in the house, well upstairs.  I am going to miss the shade on the house from the two big pine trees we had cut down last fall.


Tracy saw the picture of the little buckets the bulbs came in that she sent me for Mother's Day.  She called and said that wasn't what she had ordered.  She had ordered some daffodils in a rustic basket.  She said she would complain, but I liked what I got.  I thought she sould call anyway, and maybe get what she ordered, plus the bulbs I got.  She did, and they are refunding her money, including postage. 


  1. The gimicl that those clowns use is that all they have to do is make a little change in their address and then it isn't block.
    Example: you get an email from steve, and you block him. Then he send the next one out as steve1, then steve2, then steven, then steven1, then steven2, etc., etc.
    All they have to do is change one letter or one number and the email comes through.
    I have gotten about 14 email from shannon wanting me to reduce my mortage and all he does is just one letter change in his email address

  2. I kust got another email from shannon about reducing my mortgage rate.
    His last five addresses (this is in the last week) go like this

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