Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Okay, that does it. I am definitely ready for winter. I've had all the smoke and ashes I need, and then some.  Come on, snow!

The wind brought the smoke and ashes from the Fontenelle Fire to us yesterday afternoon.  It cleared out last night before dark, but it's back today.

This is what the sun looked like yeserday afternoon.

Here is the reflection of the sun in a puddle from the sprinkler in the yard.

And the sun reflecting off the blue metal roof of the ranch supply store.

The fire has now burned 12,000 acres northwest of Labarge.  The fire is being fought by 3 helicopters, 5 engines, and 2 crews of 20 firefighters each for a total of 92 personnel.  The news yesterday said the wind blew too hard to be able to use any aircraft.

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