Saturday, July 14, 2012


The Internet was down for a long time yesterday.  By the time it was back, I was out of the mood to blog.

What a nice rain we had last night

I ordered a new footsool.  I use it at my drawing table and in front of my rocking chair, because my legs don't reach the floor.  This is what the top of the old one looked like, and one leg keeps falling off.  I know I could recover it, and some carpenters' blue would probably keep the screw in on the leg it keeps losing.  Too lazy.  The top of the new one lifts and you can store magazines, etc. in it.

This is not quite the use I had in mind when I bought the new footstool. 


I should finish the colored pencil drawing today.  Still not the right paper, but better than the first attempt.  I hauled the big sheets of drawing paper out of the closet yesterday and sorted through what I  have.  The paper I should be using is Canson Mi Tients.  I have a pad of it, and some full sheets, in  lucious colors.  Note to self:  Use the right darned paper next time you start a drawing.

1 comment:

  1. If you lucky, KAT may let you use the stool once in awhile
